Saturday, September 01, 2012

Painting Stanley

I've been helping Anne Marie Corey paint the octopus over at Chambers Bay Playground. The octopus was installed a year ago with the rest of the playground, but has been naked since then. He's finally getting some paint! Anne Marie named him Stanley.

We've been going out early in the mornings to get some painting done before the playground is teeming with children. We do block off the area with caution tape, but we still do get to field a lot of questions.  "What are you doing?"  "Are you artists?"  "Can I paint?"

The back side of Stanley's grotto. There's a hole for kids to put their faces through to take pictures, and Anne Marie thought it would be fun to have something on both sides. We've been mostly working on this  side, putting the background in and deciding where the pieces go and getting them screwed in place.

I got to put the detailing on the seaweed. (Anne Marie painted all the other pieces at home.) I'm also going to add a hermit crab coming out of one of the shells.

Stanley will be a great addition to the playground!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful detailing! And what a cool project!!



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