Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Crabs at Kopachuck

We don't have a big trip happening this summer. I've had the feeling that the whole summer could get away from us if we don't make the effort to seize the day. Doug and I both tend to be kind of homebodies, and not really good planners, so it can be an effort to get the family out of the house and doing things. Doug picked up a Discovery Pass for us a while ago (good for all state parks!) but today was the first time we used it.

We took the kids out to Kopachuck State Park in Gig Harbor. I'd heard about it but hadn't ever been there before. It's a very cool beach--the water is sheltered and shallow, and there are lots of creatures. (It was a nice day for it, too. Not too sunny. Is that weird? I actually do better if it's not super sunny.)

Doug points out the little crabs in the water. Kate thought the crabs were great fun. (That weird thing sticking out from behind Kate is a large plastic dinosaur that she's holding. Just in case you're wondering why she's sprouting chicken feet.)

My camera battery died right after this (whoops!) but we did get some video. You can see a pretty good view of the crabs in the water, and at the end you can see Andy making letters with his fingers.

Lots of fun!  We'll have to go back again.


  1. Andy's singing at the beginning (until he suddenly notices the camera) cracks me up!

  2. Those tiny crabs were sure cute! I love Andy's letters.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)