Sunday, June 03, 2012

Saturday Downtown

Kate made 100% of her A.R. (Accelerated Reader) goal, so we thought we should get her a little treat.  We made an outing downtown and went to Learning Sprout so she could pick out something.

Riding the Link is exciting! (And free!)

Chalk art.

At Learning Sprout.  Andy was having fun with this gear toy.

The last stop on the Link is in the area called the Theater District, so the stop has these theater seats. Notice the middle seat, which is permanently in the up position. It's not an actual seat--it's a referential seat. This is art.

After the Learning Sprout we stopped by the Children's Museum. Kate was there on a field trip recently and thought it was great fun. The rest of us hadn't seen their new facility, so we thought we'd check it out. It is a lot bigger, and there are lots of windows all around so the lighting is nice for taking pictures.

Andy spent most of the time in the water play area (and got a bit wet).

Kate at another Link stop (Union Station) on the way back.

We have our little downtown outing traditions--we always park in one of the parking garages across the street from Freighthouse Square, ride the link, and then have lunch at Freighthouse Square before going home. Kate gets fish and chips.

This was a nice day for it.  The weather was cool but clear, and Mama was pretty happy with the lighting, which is always a good thing.  Everyone had a fun time and Andy conked out in the car on the way home.


  1. What's a water play area for, if not for getting wet? :-)

  2. That fish chalk art is really cool!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)