Wednesday, June 27, 2012

(Halfway) Across the Bridge

Wednesday was the kids' half-birthday.  We commemorated the occasion by walking halfway across the Narrows Bridge.

The walking/biking lane is actually connected to the bike path that goes by our house, but we didn't feel like walking that far, so we parked by the War Memorial and walked from there. It was a sunny day (not too hot) and windy on the bridge, as I'm sure it always is. 

Looking south toward Days Island.

The half way point.

Picture with Mom!

Time to head back.

My view of Andy.  He kept trying to pull himself along on the bars. 

Looking over the fence--what's down there?

"If we even had a wheelbarrow, that would be something."

It's a long way back up that hill to the War Memorial.

"Take a picture of me, Mom!"

Lunch at El Sabor. Yum!

And now we have a seven-and-a-half-year-old and a three-and-a-half-year-old. What fun.


  1. It's very important to have a wheelbarrow among your assets. And a holocaust cloak.

    Looks like a fun day.

    I presume that's the replacement for the infamous Tacoma Narrows Bridge that is now a stock-standard example for physics lessons on resonant frequency?

  2. Indeed! There's a small chunk of the wreckage in the aquarium at the zoo, and I have heard more that one parent telling their kids about how the bridge came down in an earthquake. Oops.

  3. Today must be a good day for quoting The Princess Bride.

    Such a nice view from the bridge! Great pics too! Such cute kids.

  4. What a fun idea! And even more fun that all the birthday adventures (or half birthday) can be celebrated together. :)


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