Thursday, April 05, 2012

Spring Break at the zoo

Kate was off for the week. (Doug was off the week before that, but since he gets home early, we still managed to get out a few times for some family fun.) We spent Wednesday afternoon at the zoo, along with crowds of other people out enjoying the sunshine.

The nice thing about having a zoo membership is that we don't have to worry about getting our money's worth every time we go, so if the kids want to spend most of the time on the playground that's just fine.

Everyone loves the otter slide!

These are so cool to watch.  They're like underwater venus flytraps.  (The sign said they were nudibranches, but it looks like that's not right.  Not sure what they are!)

We are happy to finally have some nice weather! Kate has been playing outside with the neighborhood kids a lot.  Andy isn't so much into hanging out near the house--he likes to take off around the bike path.  I get to follow him while he runs, and then try to steer him back toward home again.


  1. I couldn't tell Andy was smiling so much when he was sitting on the rope seat!

  2. Ohhh I have bad memories of that slide. Kylie and Morgan both burned their little legs when it was really really hot.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)