Tuesday, January 17, 2012

snow pants and snowball

We finally got our snow! Kate has been having fun playing in it. (She went out for a little bit before church on Sunday, and then we were in a hurry to get ready.)

I had the idea for this layout last year, but never got it done.  (It's a quote from Little Bear.)  Credits here.

I got a snowball started for Kate, and then she rolled it around for a while. She hasn't had many chances to do this sort of thing!

A girl and her snowball.  After this she rolled it down the hill and it broke, so she turned it into a snow cave for her rubber dragon. 

The snow pants are hand-me-downs from Glory and Sky.  She wore them last year and we were pleased to find that they still fit just fine.  She's got pink pants, a pink hat, pink boots, and pink mittens. 

I crocheted this scarf--also pink, but it doesn't really match.

Doug has been teaching Kate how to stomp the snow off her boots before she comes in, and how to take off her things just inside the door.  He says, "If you don't grow up in snow country you don't know these things!"

It was pretty good packing snow but now it's all crusty.  We're supposed to get some more--maybe a lot more--tonight or tomorrow.


  1. Beautiful pictures Helena! I do miss the snow which I've rarely seen here in Korea. But I don't miss the shoveling and driving in it. I haven't driven for so long and that's another reason I wish we were staying. I much rather move back in summer.

  2. I wouldn't want to move in the winter time either! Good luck!

  3. It has been so warm here so no snow in our parts either. I though am happy about it. Sure sounds like your Kate had a blast


  4. Love the scarf, so cute! She is so sweet and adorable!

  5. She's so cute playing in the snow. I can't look at a snowball picture without thinking of Dave Ramsey.

    You did a great job on her scarf Helena! It blends well just enough so that she doesn't have that "Garanimals" look. That's a great layout too! The snowflakes add just the right touch.

    I have a feeling she's going to have a great weekend.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)