Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick-or-Treat Dragons

Doug wore his doublet and hose to class in the morning. Doesn't he look dashing?

Doug made everything here except the swords and stockings (and shoes). He says I should point out that he did not wear the swords to school.



What with one thing and another (I've been kind of preoccupied painting) I hadn't picked up a pumpkin yet, and Kate really wanted one, so I went out after school to see what I could find.   What I found was that when you leave your pumpkin-shopping for the last minute, all the reasonably-sized pumpkins are taken, and you're left with a twenty-eight pounder.  Which I'm pretty sure weighs more than Andy. 

Kate drew the face.  I ended up making the features a little bigger, to fit the size of the pumpkin, but it was  her design.  She wanted a vampire pumpkin.

The kids wore their dragon costumes (again).  That's our go-to costume around here.  Kate came up with something else about a week ago where she was walking around with a box on her head, saying, "Greetings!  I am X398 from Ju-pi-ter.  If you co-operate with my words you can be one of my minions."  After I burst out laughing and told her I didn't want to be one of her minions, I convinced her that walking around in the dark with a box on her head probably wasn't a good idea.

Admiring the pumpkin.

We took the kids trick-or-treating over by Kate's school. Doug grabbed a Santa hat on the way out and said he was a Seasonally-Challenged Individual.

Andy thought we were going visiting and kept trying to run into people's houses (Doug had to hang onto him at every door).  Everyone was really friendly.  At one house I got into a conversation with the lady when I told her I liked her door--she started telling me all about how she'd lived in that house for 39 years and how much they liked the neighborhood.  I asked her if Kate could get a drink, since she'd been complaining about being thirsty, and she gave us a bottle of water.  (Then she asked Kate, "What year are you in school?" and Kate said, "Two thousand eleven.")

Almost all the houses had some kind of decoration.  It looked like the whole neighborhood really got into it.

We had a good time and got the kids home by 7:30!   Now we make the candy last until Christmas.


  1. Yay! You have darling children. And your hubby with his foot-pop pose is hilarious.

  2. I giggled several times in this post. And Kate's pumpkin is wonderful, and the creepy pumpkin is extra cool!

  3. I love the outfits! I wish I had a go-to dragon costume.

  4. I love the "minions" and the "2011" answer. I once asked my niece (who was four at the time) how far she could count, and she replied "Oh, about over to those mountains over there!" :-)

  5. Your husband definitely was in his element! He did look dashing!

  6. What a great post! Doug looks fantastic... and I cracked up at the Santa hat and seasonally challenged comment. The kids, of course, look adorable as always!


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