Saturday, October 15, 2011

Taken for Granite

I was doing some knife work and couldn't find the piece of glass that I usually cut on. I was trying to figure out what else I could use, (upside-down pie dish?) and then I remembered Doug's slab of granite. He uses it for his leatherwork, to pound on. I remember when he brought it home--he rang the doorbell, because he had his arms full, so I opened the door and he was standing there with this chunk of granite in his arms. He looked at me and said, "It was free!" Heh. (He got a scrap from a countertop place.)

The surface has tiny knicks in it, so the cutting wasn't quite as smooth, but it worked fine for what I was doing. I still want to find my glass.


  1. "Taken for granite" was also "Granite for taking"

  2. Love the play on words and the way the leaf looks against the stone.

    Would you mind sharing some time how you configured blogger to let a person enter their name/url when commenting? I'm helping an older friend get started blogging; she's using blogger and I haven't been able to figure that out! I know you're busy so please just ignore if it will take a lot of your time.

  3. Under Settings > Comments there's an option for "Who Can Comment?" Mine is set to Anyone. I think that's it!

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    It's very fun, especially given away for free

  5. M in Carolina10:09 PM

    That granite is so cool.My dh found a large 2'x3' section of white marble at a thrift store for a few dollars and bought it for me. We'd seen these pieces sold at kitchen supply stores for $$$. It's nice to roll pastry out on or work with chocolate. I hadn't thought of using it for crafts, but I will now.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)