Friday, October 28, 2011

Autumn Leaves and Pumpkin Hats (2011 edition)

(Crochet pumpkin hat directions here)

We've had a very rainy fall.  Lots of chilly overcast and drizzle.  (It's hard to appreciate that crisp autumn weather without the "crisp" part.)  When we finally got a nice sunny day, I figured we'd better seize the moment and get some pictures of the kids in their pumpkin hats.  Andy was not too keen on the hat at first and kept pulling his off.

"Help!" says Andy.

Kate had to bring along a dinosaur.


Andy finally decided he was okay with keeping his hat on.  (Yay!)

Aren't my little pumpkins cute?

Our apartment complex, magically transformed into a golden wonderland!


  1. They are darling! (So are the hats!) Love that Kate had to have a dinosaur in her picture.

  2. Eee, what adorability!

  3. I cannot believe how big your kids are getting! They are just adorable and the pumpkin hats are amazing.

  4. Um, I would so wear one of those. They are adorable! I love the one shot of Katie in the leaves :)


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)