Friday, September 30, 2011

Playground by the Sound--Open!

 The playground is done!  We took the kids over on Tuesday (the 27th).  There were still a few things that were unfinished, but they had their ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sunday as planned, and opened to the public.

I found my fish on the fence.  You may notice that it doesn't look like the picture I posted.  This is actually the back of the fish.  I was told that we were supposed to paint the backs, too, since they were going to be mounted on the slats of the fence and would be partially visible from the other side.  The back of my fish was deformed (you can see where the edge cut at a slant, on the belly) but I went ahead and did a slap-dash job on it.  (Which still took 20-30 minutes, but it didn't look nearly as good as the other side.)  I was kind of worried about this at the time, and hoped that whoever put it up would look at it carefully enough to figure out which was the right side.  They didn't.  (And the fish weren't mounted on the slats anyway--I should have just left that side unpainted!)  Apparently they were in a big hurry and just threw stuff up on the fence.  And my fish somehow got a smear of green paint on it, too.  Don't know how that happened.

I like the pine cone details and the roofs.  It was really cool to see things in progress and then the finished product. 

Bright sun!

Andy goes up the slide...

...and down!

Kate hangin' around.

I was kind of bummed about my fish, but I got to go back on Wednesday and paint a couple of orcas (not pictures--they're three-dimensional orcas), which was a lot of fun, and then I felt better.  I haven't made it back to get pictures of those.  I need to do that soon!


  1. Frankly, I think your fish looks AWESOME! You are incredibly talented and what a cool park

  2. Fabulous park--so sorry about your fish! That... stinks!

  3. I still think a midnight raid in dark clothes and a balaclava while wielding a Phillips head screwdriver will solve the fish problem. It looks like only two screws are involved which means reversing it is not only possible but straightforward. You could probably get away with fixing it in daylight without the balaclava, too, when it comes right down to it. Nevertheless, it looks like an excellent playground.

  4. Congratulations! I understand your sorrow about the fish, but I am giggling at Helen's solution :)

  5. I have hopes that the fish may have been flipped around. I have to go check.

  6. Your fish looks great!!!

    I cannot wait to find this park and enjoy it now - it really looks wonderful!

  7. You are the only one I know who could have a "bad" piece of art look that good. I understand the disappointment though; you poured out your best effort for this space and it wasn't given a chance to shine. But it still did!!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)