Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Home School

When we got home from the fair on Monday night, we had a message that the teachers had met for another vote and decided to strike after all, so school the next day was canceled.

We got Kate up at her regular time and had her put on her school clothes, and we had our own school at home. She did have some homework, so she did that, and then we came up with some other things.  (We tried some  apostrophe exercises, but I'm not sure if she was really ready for that, despite having read The Girl's Like Spaghetti numerous times.)

Kate thought having school at home was pretty cool, and she kept talking about the different things that we would do.  We had Math Time and Reading Time and Lunch Time, and Kate said that when it was P.E. Time she would be the teacher and tell us what to do.  (We ended up not doing that, since she just went out to play with her friends and had P. E. Time that way.)

We've had a little trouble lately with Kate not wanting to go to school--weeping and wailing "NOOOOO!  I never want to go to school again!  It's boring!" and then we'd have to physically stuff her into her clothes and get her out the door.  Twice I ended up actually carrying her to school, sobbing.  We put it down to general anxiety (and stubbornness), but now I wonder if maybe she was picking up on some vibes that things were not quite right at school.  I hope that they can get everything resolved quickly and be a happy school again!

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