Thursday, August 11, 2011

Forest Park (and a cool mosaic)

We went up to Everett to see Aunt Erika and Cousin Sabin, and we all went to Forest Park for a picnic lunch.  After eating we saw the animals (this section was called the Animal Farm so Doug had to make some "House of Pain" jokes) and then let the kids play on the playground.

Andy was happy--he found some letters!

Andy high-fives Daddy on the swing.

There was also this big planter with a mosaic all around the outside.  I thought it was very cool and had to get some pictures.  (I like all the little details like the birds and bugs, and there's even a lizard in there.  Or perhaps it's a newt.)

Erika took pictures too!  Cool park!


  1. That is a really cool mosaic!

  2. Perhaps the lizard is a newt that got better ("She's a witch" ... )

  3. That's what I was thinking.

  4. That's a lovely mosaic indeed.

    They named it "Animal Farm?" Were some animals more equal than others?

  5. The Mosiac is really awesome.

  6. I agree--awesome mosaic!


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