Thursday, May 19, 2011

painting painting painting

I've been able to paint every day this week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I think working on the Mod Prom decorations got me back in the mood. I want to get this done soon and I feel like I can. My goal at this point is Father's Day.

Doug is home in the afternoon this quarter, so he can get Andy down for a nap. That helps! After lunch I clear off the table, set up my painting stuff, turn on my audio book of The Name of the Wind, and get in the zone. At least for a little while. Mostly I've only been able to work for about an hour and a half at a time, but if I can do that every day, I should be done in a few weeks. I feel like it's going well!


  1. Oh wow, that's looking awesome Helena! So glad for you that you have a little relief from DH at the moment!

  2. Looks great. Is it a generic scene or somewhere in particular?

  3. Yay for excellent progress! And, I'm wondering the same thing Helen asked.

  4. Cool! I love the sun in the clouds!

  5. It's looking good--good for you!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)