Thursday, May 05, 2011

Children's Day

May 5th is Children's Day in Korea--time for the annual pictures in the park. We got some great shots this year.

We headed down to Point Defiance as soon as Kate got home from school. It was really a lovely day and the lighting was great.

 "Hey look, this plant is called Dinosaur Food!"

This one's a little blurry (I seem to have pegged the focus on the bench rather than on the kids) but Andy's face is just so cute.

We've taken lots of pictures on this bridge, over the years.  I think this one is particularly sweet.

"Here, Mom, I'll pose for you!"

Pink petal snow.

Pretty Kate.

Squish! (Giggle)

After pictures in the Japanese garden, we headed over to the playground. (This is what the kids were waiting for, of course!)

This thing is fun--it can be a car, a trolley, a train, or even a blimp.

Andy helps turn the crank bar to make the trolley go.  He seemed quite fascinated by the mechanics.

I love this tree.  It's so cool and knobbly, and covered with moss and ferns.  

Kate checks out the irises. Pretty!

It occurred to me that this was Andy's third Children's Day, in a way, since it's three years since the day we found out we were expecting him. We sure do love being a family of four.



  1. What wonderful pictures--your little girl is so pretty!! Happy Mother's Day Helena!

  2. Very sweet. Loved seeing the pictures.


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