Tuesday, April 12, 2011

sidewalk chalk layout

Challenge #3 of the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race was to do a page about something our family likes to do, and design the layout to represent the activity (say, if you enjoy playing Monopoly together, you could make a page to look like the Monopoly board). I had a hard time picking something. What do we all like to do? LEGO? Reading? I suppose I could take pictures of everyone playing on the computer.

I decided to go with sidewalk chalk.  We have been doing that a lot lately. 

I thought doing the title in chalk would probably fit the requirement of the referential design. I wrote the titles on the sidewalk but then discovered that they were too big to fit in the frame (with my lack of wide angle lens), so I had to bring out a chair to stand on while I took the pictures.

I also made a border with my crayon line, which you can get here.


  1. Another wonderful layout! Great idea to make the title from a photograph...

  2. so cute! love this page!!

  3. It turned out really well!

  4. I think it turned out wonderfully! We love doing Sidewalk Chalk, too.


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)