Sunday, March 13, 2011

I don't think I want one of those.

I had this conversation with Kate earlier this month:

Kate:  "I wish I had a cicada."
Me:  "You want a cicada?"
Kate:  "Yeah!"
Me:  "A live cicada?"
Kate:  "No, not the insect cicada, the food cicada!"
Me:  "There's a food cicada?"
Kate:  "Yeah, it's like a tortilla with cheese."
Me:  "Ah!...You mean a quesadilla?"

Just out of curiosity, I did a google image search for "cicada quesadilla."  There don't seem to be any pictures of the two together.  Probably a good thing.


  1. Such cuteness. :) That'd be one gross quesadilla though. ><

  2. It's hard to keep words straight!

  3. Ahaha! That's hilarious! Why on earth would you Google that!? Would you WANT to see photos of this disgusting item, if it existed!? LOL! :P

  4. Bahahahaha!! That's too funny :)

  5. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Something new for Taco Bell to sell.
    With diced avocados and green peppers.
    Like 4 big grasshoppers in a taco shell.
    Yummy :-)

    But really, lol

  6. Anonymous3:20 AM

    cicada quesadilla=Bug sandwich


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)