Monday, February 14, 2011

Making Valentines

Being a parent with a child in school is a new experience. There are all these things that I never had to think about before. It didn't dawn on me until the afternoon of the 13th that Kate would need some valentines for her class.I asked her if she would like to make some and she thought that was a great idea.

My budding crafter. It was so fun to see her really getting into it. She said, "I'm going to do it my own way!" and she did. She made valentines for all the kids in her class, her teacher, her reading group teacher, and the librarian (they have library on Monday), and one for her friend Trinity who's in a different class.

They had a big party in their classroom. Kate came home all excited and bearing treats.

Taking inventory of the Valentine party haul. (Candy! Exciting!)

Doug brought me some daffodils. Awww.

Happy Valentine's day!


  1. It was one of my favorite holidays when I was a child. I wish now I would have kept all those valentines.

  2. I love daffodils. They are such a harbinger of Spring and of this season (their traditional name is "Lent lily")

  3. I remember those days. I used to dread Valentine's Day, because I would have to make lollipop cookies. Bratling didn't make any requests for such things this year--thankfully.

  4. The funnest age ever!! So jealous!


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