Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Dozing with Daddy

Both of our kids have been extended nursers and co-sleepers, which means they end up nursing a lot at night.  It's a convenient arrangement in that nobody has to "get up" with the baby, but it does tend to drag on a bit.  Doug's been doing a really good job lately getting Andy to sleep at nap time and bedtime.  I'd say we've got him almost weaned. We just have to get over that last little hurdle.

Andy sleeping on Dad in the computer chair.  I was amused by the way he had his fingers laced together. 


  1. Awwww, what a sweetie. Good luck with the weaning. It's hard.

  2. So sweet! My baby weaned himself much too early. =(

  3. Awww! Jayden still insists on sleeping with me, and Jaylene would too if she could get away with it, but she always kicks me, haha! So for now I'm sleeping in the kids room...


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