Thursday, December 09, 2010

Nativities R Us

The first weekend in December was the Festival of the Nativity at the church again. We went on Saturday to check it out. (Right after Andy's nap!) I was hoping to get a family picture like last year's but it didn't work out so well.

Kate was not interested in family pictures, but she did want to wear the sheep costume. She makes a cute little lamb.

With all the look-don't-touch nativities on display, it was nice that they also had a room where the kids could actually play with things, along with this cute Little People backdrop. We spent a lot of time in that room.

They used the backdrop that I painted for Savior of the World in the Relief Society room. It's always fun to see that again.


  1. I'm so sad we missed it this year... it's such a beautiful, inspiring thing to experience at Christmastime.

  2. Loved all the pictures. It's great that they had a kid's play area.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)