Sunday, October 31, 2010

"This is my ghost, Buster."

Kate made this ghost wind sock at our ward activity last week, and named it Buster. She has not, as far as I know, been exposed to the Ghostbusters, so I'm not sure how she came up with the name.

I use the term "wind sock" advisedly here, since there really isn't anything sock-like about it. Wind plate, perhaps.

The ward activity, for reasons unknown, was not a costume party. Kate's wearing her dragon costume for the third year in a row, but the rest of us have not had occasion to dress up.


  1. Cute ghost, and adorable dress!

  2. I *love* her dress, she is so sweet! And Buster is pretty cute too!

  3. That is such a grea dress. I love the fabric, and the disegn is so simple and cute too!

    Cute ghost--I bet she had fun making that.


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