Monday, September 13, 2010

Popcorn Popping

This cracks me up. (Even cuter is watching Andy watch the video.)


  1. Helen in Australia2:59 PM


  2. Helen in Australia3:02 PM

    (I told the Primary kids last week that I'd been playing that song for 35 years and that I was totally over it ... and then promptly used it, slightly jazzed up (in a very reverent way, of course!) for some "when the music stops"-type activity they were doing. Come to think of it, I haven't played it in a minor key for a while ... !!!)

  3. Adorable! Is he going to be left-handed, do you think? I noticed he was pointing with that hand...

  4. It's hard to tell yet. My dad is a lefty--I don't think there are any on Doug's side of the family.

  5. Awww jeeze, he's pretty much my cutest nephew EVER. But don't tell the other nephews,they might get jealous.


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