Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Last Gasp of Summer

Kate starts school tomorrow. We're still coming to grips with the idea that we're going to be parents of a Kindergartner. How the time has flown!

I've heard a lot of people in the area say that they feel like they kind of missed summer this year. Perhaps because of the weather. It hasn't been very summery.

We celebrated our last-day-before-school-starts with an outing to Owen Beach.

Throwing rocks is fun!

Kate went that way.

The water was cold, but we figured we wouldn't be able to keep Andy out of it, so he wore his water shoes. Good thing!

After a yummy dinner provided by I Love Bento, we went over to the school to take in Kate's supplies and talk to her teacher. She's so excited!


  1. Wow, I didn't realize she was starting Kindergarten this year. Very exciting... and a little sad. Bittersweet, huh? These are such great shots at the beach, looks like you guys had fun!

  2. I'm glad she's excited, and I'm glad her first day went well.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)