Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Dawnzer Lee Light

Kate has been listening to Ramona the Pest at bedtime. If you're familiar with this book, you'll remember how Ramona learns a song at school about "the dawnzer lee light." When I picked Kate up from school today she was very excited to tell me, "Mom! In music class we sang the dawnzer song!" Ha.


  1. Helen in Australia5:15 AM

    Okay. I guessed it was a mondegreen, but I confess I had to google it. My excuse is that it's not my national anthem. :-)

  2. I remember thinking it was "donzurly" as a kid. Like "donzurly" was an adjective to describe the light, but I had no idea what it meant.

  3. Kyle thought that one line of another song was "Teach me all that I'm a stew..."


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