Thursday, June 24, 2010

last day of preschool (with hat)

Kate's been going to preschool three days a week at her friend Lilly's house. Our neighbor Sky joined them, too. For their last day of school they had a little presentation for the parents.

Kate and Sky perform a finger play they learned. (Lilly didn't want to get in the picture.)

They had the girls decorate paper hats for the occasion. Kate, in her own inimitable style, added horns to her hat. She's such a crack-up.

I love this picture. We were calling her our little Viking Dutch girl. (Yes, there's no historical evidence that Vikings wore horned helmets. Shhhh.)

Afterward we all went out back to see the chickens. Great fun.

I'm still in denial about Kate starting Kindergarten this fall. How can she have gotten so big already?


  1. Helen in Australia3:38 PM

    And then it'll be junior high ... and high school ... and college ... and all before you've had time to draw breath from the last milestone. (Love the hat!)

  2. yay kate! graduate! which kindergarten will she attend?

  3. She's so cute--love that hat! Is Kindergarten there a full or half day?

  4. I love her hat! She is so stinkin' cute and creative!

  5. These are such fun and adorable pictures of Kate. Looks like lots of fun!

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    your photos are lovely and your daughter is just too cute!


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