Thursday, March 04, 2010

Following dreams = bad science, annoying earworm.

Last night I dreamed that I was cutting up apples to put in a blender (for reasons which seemed perfectly clear at the time, as dreams do). Someone mentioned to me that apples are monocots, and I (I swear I am not making this up) started singing, "A blessing on your head, monocot, monocot."

So this morning I had to look it up. It turns out that apples are not monocots after all. They are dicots.

Take that, randomly-musically-firing neurons!


  1. Helen in Australia1:26 PM

    "I dreamed that I was cutting up apples to put in a blender (for reasons which seemed perfectly clear at the time, as dreams do)"

    I thought this was the LEAST unreasonable part of the story! I am curious to know whether your dream thought it was perfectly reasonable for you to start singing "A blessing on your head, monocot, monocot".

    (But then I start singing random songs in real life, so who am I to say anything about "perfectly reasonable"!)

  2. Well, the apples had to be monocots because dicot wouldn't fit in the song. So it seems PERFECTLY reasonable to me…… :D

    Dreams can be SO funny.

  3. Oh great. Now I have Fiddler on the Roof running through my brain. ;OP

  4. That is the best dream ever.

  5. Well, that is definately an amusing story.


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