Wednesday, February 17, 2010

President's Day Park Pics

While parts of the country have been buried in snow, we've been enjoying near-springlike temperatures. The trees are budding, and crocuses are starting to poke up. I talked to my mom (in Ohio) on Monday, and she said they were expecting six more inches of snow. Doug found this time lapse video of snow piling up in D.C. (Check it out--it's pretty cool.) We haven't had any snow at all aside from our light dusting which lasted maybe an hour and a half. Though we did get snow in March last year, so I suppose it could still happen.

Since Doug had the day off for President's Day, we had lunch at Bombay Bistro and then went to the park.

Kate had her Beanie Baby rat with her. After the park we went to Fred Meyer, and she insisted on bringing it into the store and lost it somewhere. We spent a while searching for it, without success. I hope whoever found it was not too alarmed at seeing a rat in a grocery store.


  1. you should call customer service. We found "blue baby" a frighteningly dirty naked baby doll that my dd lost at Target 2 days later. :)

  2. I know, the weather has been amazing!!

  3. jealous of your weather! I could bask in these photos all day.

    I'm glad you got to enjoy it!


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