Friday, February 26, 2010

Bag Boy (Part 2)

(The sequel to these pictures.)

It's not enough to pull all the bags out of the drawer--now he has to sit in the drawer while he does it.


  1. Golly, he's cute.

    Hazel has climbed up onto the dishwasher door more than once. We don't let her do that anymore.

  2. *giggles* Oh, but he's so cute!

  3. I love that you are the kind of mother that can appreciate a moment such as this!

  4. I love it. He knows how to keep himself entertained!

  5. Oh Helena! I literally laughed out loud from the first picture! He looks so proud of himself!

  6. He is adorable! Our Internet connection is down at home, so I'm surfing in Panera Bread.

    Snorting with laughter is perhaps not the best choice in a restaurant.

  7. Awwwwwwww.

    I think ONE is the perfect age! Still baby cute...but with that big-kid thing.

  8. Do you remember when you and Peter got yourselves covered with corn starch from head to toe by sliding across Kirsten's patterning table? Our reaction was-"Quick, grab the camera!" Times like these are too cute to pass up.

    Andy is such a precious cutie.

    Love, Mom

  9. Adorable - little boys are so much fun!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)