Saturday, January 02, 2010

Letter Family

Kate drew this for me today--isn't it amazing? She wrote the names all by herself, too. (I asked her if she could draw Andy, too, and she said, "No, there are only three letters!")


  1. Wow, that goes so far into creativity and detail that I'm a little flabbergasted. Not just the heart patterns, the lettering (!!!), and the spelling, but the drawing faces through, with, and around the letter strokes as well as giving the whole thing a container? WOW! And, it puts her right back into her pre-Andy centrality, which is pretty darn cute... =)

  2. Susan5:03 PM

    Yes, she really is amazing!

  3. Love the glasses she gave Dad, she really captured him! Poor Andy, maybe she'll draw him next time! We are still getting settled in but just want to say Hi and Happy New Year. Hope the kids had a great Birthday!

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    this is Liz Bjerum Hueter Chame. I've never been to a blog before and don't know how to contact you :) I have Christmas cards (97, 98 99 TMI!!) for you...
    could you send me snailmail 411 at (2 n's). Plus, your daughter's drawing is so girly and inclusive. Really fun to explore your creative page! TTFN

  5. Anonymous9:42 PM

    What an awesome drawing. she obviously has oodles of creativity like her parents.


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