Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Things that go bump

Andy is working on walking. He'll let go, stagger a step or two, and then fall down. Yesterday he tipped over backwards and hit his head on the wooden castle. Ow. My mom says that I started walking at ten months, and gave myself a black eye on the corner of the coffee table.

Andy is very busy. He's always climbing on things, and opening cupboards and drawers, and stretching way up to see what he can reach. The other day he pulled a colander of broccoli off the kitchen table.

Every time the phone rings, Andy hurries over to see if he can have a chance at grabbing the phone cord (normally it's up out of reach). He's also very intrigued by the dishwasher and the refrigerator.

We don't think we can have a regular Christmas tree this year, since there's no way Andy would leave it alone. We don't have enough room to put it in a playpen, or otherwise block it off. We may get a little one and keep it up on the table. When Kate was this age we went to Utah for Christmas (when Barb and Kyle got married) and we didn't have a tree at home that year. We'll see what we can come up with.

When we mentioned to Kate yesterday that it was the first day of December, she said, "But it's not snowing!" She's been learning about months and seasons, but has a rather generalized understanding as yet.


  1. Ouch, early walkers have such bumps and bruises.

    It seems we had a tree when the kids were little, but I don't remember how we did it. Maybe just had the unbreakable ornaments on it?

  2. We put our tree in the basement. It is kind of a shame, because we hardly ever go down there, but you can see it from outside. When Peter's family visited us the other day Elizabeth was walking around the bottom collecting all the ornaments she could reach.

  3. Molly thought the same thing about December, more specifically about the Christmas season.

  4. I got tired just reading about Andy's antics. :D


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