Monday, December 21, 2009

Photography at the Nativity

This picture of Andy just cracks me up.

The first weekend in December was the Festival of the Nativity at the church. (We went to see it last year and Kate wore her dragon costume. This year we were all more traditionally attired.)

They had a manger scene where people could dress up and get pictures taken. Larry Golden was doing the photography, and he had asked me if I could come in and spell him for a bit on Saturday so he could get a break.

Here's the setup (not crooked in real life), complete with fake sheep and fake baby. There were a few people who put their own babies in the manger, if they were small enough.

And half of Larry's lighting. This was fun to use.

We went over early and got Larry to take some family pictures for us, with my camera. (Not dressed up, just us.)

This one's pretty good...

... but I like myself a little better in this one. (Doug looks exactly the same.) We finally got that vertical 8x10 for my mom! We tried back at the six-months photo shoot and just couldn't get anything.

I took Andy's Saturday pictures, too (which I will post next) and then Doug took the kids around to look at the displays and I manned the fort while Larry went home and got something to eat.

It wasn't really busy, but I did get to take pictures of a few families who came in. All the pictures are here. Anything with an absurdly wide angle is probably mine. I was using Larry's camera and had a few times that I moved up and zoomed out where I should have moved back and zoomed in. (I'm just not used to working with a zoom at all!)

I didn't get any pictures of the rest of the festival, but it was quite a production. They even pulled out my backdrop from Savior of the World to use in the Relief Society room with the artwork display. It was such a big production, in fact, that it completely displaced the three wards that meet in that building and we had to meet somewhere else that Sunday.

When Doug came back to get me, there was some great light coming in the side window, so I asked him if he could take a picture of me with the kids. They were not into it.

Kate, for some unfathomable reason, fell in love with this plastic fish (it was there for a prop, though I don't think anyone used it). She named it John and was just heartbroken when we told her it couldn't come home with us.

Andy conked out!


  1. Oh, what a fun bunch of photos! Can't decide if I like Andy's 1st, or last one, best!

  2. Beautiful family pictures! I was sad we didn't make it to the festival this year but we went last year and it was amazing!!

  3. I love that first picture of Andy! Made me smile.

    And maybe Kate can get a fish for Christmas. :)

  4. I love all the pictures. How wonderful to have the nativity pictures. I think we should do it too next year at my church.


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