Monday, December 28, 2009

Birthday! Birthday!

Our first joint birthday party! I went up to Artco on Saturday and got some balloons--five pink and one blue. We took some pictures with them that night because I wasn't sure if they would last.

(I didn't want to overwhelm this post with balloon pictures, so I just stuck them all together.)

Sunday morning we let Kate pick one present to open before church. She picked the animal coloring book from Barb and Kyle, because she liked the frog wrapping paper.

After church Andy let us know it was time for his nap, so we had a quick lunch and got things ready while waiting for him to wake up.

Scott came over for the festivities, and brought Kate yet another dinosaur.

We decided to go the slab-of-panettone route again. (We're just not cake people, generally.)

We sang Happy Birthday to Kate first.

It took her a few tries to blow out her candles.

And then we sang Happy Birthday to Andy! (That's Scott's hand.) Kate helped him blow out his candle.

I wasn't really happy with these pictures of Andy, and I realized that I had forgotten the "baby's first birthday" bib, so I re-staged this part the next day. (Mimi says, "Of course, it's the afterfeast of his birthday, totally acceptable!") I had, conveniently, done laundry early, so his clothes were clean again. The light was a bit different, though!

"Ooh, what's this?"

Andy loved the panettone (both times) and just gobbled it up.

Opening presents!

It's Nessie! (Playmobil seamonster, from my parents.) She was so excited about this.

Andy gets some help with his present.

My sister Barb made this ball. I love the colors. And it jingles! Very cool.

Joint present from my parents.

"It's an Elephant and Piggie book!" (Hooray!)

Happy birthday, kids! It's been quite a year. Here's to many more!


  1. Your kids are extraordinary!
    I fell in love with them.
    They are sooooo cute!

  2. Happy Birthday! And we'd never know the first birthday bib photos were staged if you didn't tell us.

  3. Awww! Happy Belated Birthday!! Love all the balloon pics!!

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to Kate and Andy!!! Such fun pictures to look at... thanks for sharing.

  5. Totally acceptable, and great photos :)
    Happy Birthday to both of your sweeties! Many Years!

  6. I forgot they were born on the same day! Happy birthday hugs to them both!

    P.S. I would have re-staged too :)


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