Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Andy at 45 weeks

Taken November 7.

In the continuing quest to find good places to take pictures inside, we tried the crib. I love these.

Yes, I took him out right after this! Awww.


  1. I love this series! That last picture makes me giggle.

  2. This last picture is a heart breaker. :)

  3. He's just lovely! That last picture is so cute!

  4. Oooh, great place for close-ups of his face! That last one is a classic... =)

  5. Helen in Australia (via Oxford)10:41 PM

    "Look, folks, I'm afraid I can only do cute for SOOOOO long ... and then I have to do different cute!"

    Great photos, as always.

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    He's so adorable!

  7. I like the last pic! :)

  8. Oh my! This is so ADORABLE!

    To answer your questions from my blog, you could tag however you like with regard to the alphas. You could tag all of the files, just one letter, or even the preview.

    You can drag from Windows Live Photo gallery into PSE just as you can do it from folders. If you don't know how that is done, I have videos on my site (free ones) that show you how in the First Layout Tutorial.

  9. I love 'em too! I've got some great ones of my "little" boy in his crib that I just love. I think I need to dig 'em out, scan 'em and do a layout with them. Yeah...that'll happen sometime soon?


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)