Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Standy Andy

(September 23)

After the tummy scooting ...

... and the hands-and-knees crawling ...

... and the sitting ...

... comes the standing ...

(notice how he crawled out of his pants)

... and general mayhem!

And life is never the same again.


  1. Cute little guy! Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving a comment.

  2. "He's a big boy" says Hali.

    Ya just gotta love the mayhem!

    Sorry I haven't been by to comment more recently, our computer has been on the fritz. Hopefully we are back to the land of the living. :)

  3. Kirsten4:07 PM

    He's Really Cute!

    Love, Kirsten


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)