Monday, November 02, 2009

Pumpkin Hats (take two)

I said that my goal was to get caught up so I wasn't posting Halloween pictures in December. I'm still not caught up, but I'm just going to post them now!

I discovered that Kate's pumpkin hat from last year was too small, so I put it on Andy and made a larger one for Kate. (I think it turned out a little too big and floppy, but it's okay, I guess.)

Right after this Kate lay down on some damp leaves and got wet splotches all over her shirt, so that was the end of the photos.

I had visions of taking my cute little pumpkins to a pumpkin patch in their hats, but that didn't happen. Maybe next year!


  1. Helena I love the pumpkin hats where did you find a crochet pattern for something like that?

  2. *giggles* They're absolutely adorable!!

  3. Please teach me!!!!

  4. Those hats are SO CUTE I can't stand it!

  5. They (hats & children) are just way too cute!

  6. The pattern is from my blog here

    They look great Helena!

  7. So very cute. Your talent never fails to astound me. If you ever felt the desire to make some baby booties I would be more than a happy recipient!


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)