Saturday, November 14, 2009

Owen Beach

More catching up! On September 18th we took a little afternoon excursion out to Owen Beach at Point Defiance. (People persist in calling it Owen's Beach. It's not possessive. Just thought I'd point that out.) Doug went back to teaching at the end of September, so this was kind of our last gasp of summer.

Andy crawls on Dad.

Not sure what Kate has on her face. (That's her rubber alligator on the log. Or perhaps it's a crocodile.)

I like the splash in this one.


While I was taking pictures of Kate on the log, she was pretending to be a dinosaur of some kind--either a corythosaurus or a Teriyakisaurus (which, if you couldn't guess, is her own creation)--and she kept holding out her hand and hollering, "Give me your claw! Give me your claw!" But I managed to get at least this one shot where she looks like she's smiling. (With a dirty face.)


  1. Hahaha, teriyakisaurus... I love that 2nd shot of Andy at the top!

  2. I love that pic of you and the baby together and that last one of Kate. She is so cute Helena!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)