Saturday, November 28, 2009

Over the River and Through the Woods

We went out to Ross and Cathryn's house in Gig Harbor for Thanksgiving. We hadn't seen them since last Thanksgiving, but Cathryn sent me an email about a week ago saying, "Hey, are you guys coming for Thanksgiving?" and I said, "Sure, if you want us!"

Going over the bridge (okay, so it's not actually a river).

Kate, in the back of the car, made the observation that the bridge was a lot like the ones that we have in our train set.

...and through the woods... Ross and Cathryn's house! I loved the pumpkins and just had to get a picture.

They hadn't met Andy yet. The girls thought he was adorable and took turns passing him around. We had a lovely meal (with some of the best gravy ever), watched The Princess Bride, played with my pipe chimes, listened to a story and drew pictures, and then cut snowflakes. We also called and sang Happy Birthday to my brother Peter, with Noelle on the piano.

We liked this sturdy wooden rocking airplane. That's some hefty construction.

Noelle and Tsia cutting snowflakes.

Doug helps Kate with a snowflake.

(One of mine.)

We've had a nice weekend, and Kate got to play over at other people's houses three days in a row! (Her bedtime has been pretty much shot. Must get back on track.)

On Friday (his eleven-month birthday) Andy took a couple of steps. Look out world!


  1. Lovely snowflakes! And uh oh, can't wait to see what kind of locomotory child Andy will be... climber? runner? kicker of soccer balls?

  2. Helen in Australia (via Oxford)12:15 AM

    Does this mean you made the pipe chimes? :-)

  3. Heather--he's climbing on stuff already. Scary.

    Helen--these were the chimes I already had (the higher notes). We did get a few lower ones made the next day. It worked great!

    The word verification says "talappe," which sounds like some kind of food.

  4. What a nice Thanksgiving! Was it fun to see the Jerusalem mural again? They have a beautiful home/property there. I bet they grew all those pumpkins too.

  5. Fun! Love the pictures... especially going over the bridge and the pumpkin one.

  6. What a fun post in pictures and thought. Glad you had a nice holiday!

  7. What a lovely day you must have had! I love all the pumpkins too...must remember to try something like that myself next year!


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)