Monday, November 30, 2009

Andy at 43 weeks

Taken October 24.

I have titled this sequence, "Small boy with large leaf."

This jacket is supposedly a nine-months size. He's nearly swimming in it.

The leaf gets the edibility test.

People sometimes ask me how many pictures I take to get these. This time I spent ten minutes and took 167 pictures. Generally I don't take quite that many.


  1. Mmm, clever title. ;) But wow the cuteness! And boy do I empathize on the zillion to one ratio... *grins*

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    167, that is just a few. Love the eating of the leaf picture!
    Uncle Brian

  3. That leaf is HUGE! Adorable pictures... Andy is getting so big!

  4. Helen in Australia (via Oxford)7:20 AM

    How come your autumn leaves are bigger than ours? (By "ours" I mean the UK's; Australia doesn't have much in the way of its own autumn leaves)

  5. What beautiful pictures! Cute little boy...I love the leaf!

  6. It's just a really big leaf! Most of them aren't nearly that big.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)