Thursday, November 19, 2009

Andy at 39 weeks

Taken September 26.

Andy surprised us with two teeth at his nine-month checkup, a few days after this. I hadn't noticed them at all.

He really is a very good-natured baby. He's a lot of fun to have around. (Though, of course, he's also into everything!)

It's my sister Betsey's birthday! Woo hoo!


  1. What a cute little guy. Happy Birthday to Betsey!!!

  2. Aww, what a cutie, these photos are great! I just found your blog via an email from Jenni about your bathroom art. That is such a FANTASTIC idea! I love the playfulness of it. I clicked over and my stomach dropped, then I realized it was vinyl. So fun! I would love to link to this idea if you didn't mind.

  3. Wow! Hazel still only has 2 teeth.

  4. What a darling, as always!


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)