Monday, October 05, 2009

A Man of Many Talents

Doug drew this whole thing upside down. Astonishing.


  1. Quite impressive indeed!

  2. Um, yeah! I couldn't have done it right side up!

  3. Wow! And that must have been fascinating for Kate, watching it unfold on her side...

  4. That is amazing! I am very impressed.

    My grandparents live in Graham and I was born in Puyallup. I miss it up there!

  5. Helen in Australia2:56 AM

    !gnizama ylurt si yllaer tahT

  6. If I try to write anything with my left hand, I write backwards. Maybe I should try to write upside down with my left hand, and then it would go the right way??? ;)

    At any rate, totally cool. I am going to draw a castle next time Kaleb and I are coloring together!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)