Sunday, September 06, 2009

13 years

It's our anniversary! Yay!

It was raining and too dark to get a good picture, but we tried!

My family called and sang "Happy Anniversary to you!" (badly). Barb and Kyle came up with a really cute version. We love you guys!


  1. What a happy-looking family (except for Andy, who looks a little befuddled *giggles*) -- Happy Anniversary!

  2. Helen in Australia4:18 AM

    Happy Anniversary :-)

    It is comforting to know that the tradition of singing birthday and other celebratory songs badly (especially when all are competent singers) is not exclusive to my own family!

  3. Happy Anniversary!

  4. oooh! LOVE the red!

    (And this reminds me . . . we need a new family picture!)

  5. Sweet picture. I really like the red also. Singing to you was fun. What was Barb and Kyle's cute version? Love, Mom


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)