Saturday, July 18, 2009

Family Picture, 2009 edition

Karen's brother (also Doug) was in town for work, so he came over on Sunday afternoon to take pictures. There's a green strip along the backyard fence that makes a nice backdrop. (None of that was there when we moved in--it's been neat to watch it grow over the past fifteen or so years.)

We tried this configuration first:

Yes, Kyle is about ten inches taller than Doug.

So then we tried something a little more streamlined, but had the usual trouble getting one with everyone looking good. Or at least looking as not-goofy as possible.

Kyle thinks this is fun! Peter and Karen are being cute. I apparently have a bug on my hand or something. (Actually I think I was looking at the light. We did end up moving back a little after this, because I could see that Doug and Andy were getting blown out.)

This is probably the best one that we got. Andy was complaining a lot by this point!

Karen and Elizabeth (and half of Peter)


Family picture! Everybody smile! Or... not.

Betsey and Angie, cute as always.


  1. Thanks for ALL the great photos!
    Karen had told me about many of these moments, but now I feel like I was there.
    I especially like the mom and kids group shots.

  2. I enjoyed all the different aspects of the family photos. Well done Love, Mom

  3. Betsey9:20 PM

    "Yes, Kyle is about ten inches taller than Doug."

    I LOL'd! I love you, Doug.

  4. Such beautiful family pictures!

    I had to chuckle at the third one down... classic!

  5.'s a corgie! I love it!

  6. That's Angie the chiwhatwhat.


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