Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Full House

I was nine when my parents moved into this house. I'd consider it very much the site of my growing-up years. It's kind of an odd experience to come back as an adult, with my own family.

For a family of seven, the house was barely big enough. With the addition of three spouses and four kids, it was definitely bursting at the seams. The four of us slept out in the trailer. Perhaps we'll try tents next time?

Barb and her family were there for about a week before we arrived. Peter's family came the same day we did, and left when Barb's family left. We had five days of overlap with everyone there. Even with five days and close quarters, it kind of felt like we didn't actually get to spend much time together, since we were all so busy taking care of babies. The leisurely evenings sitting around visiting or playing games just didn't happen. We did get to play Apples to Apples once, which was a hoot, and played with the pipe chimes (my mom ordered a set to have at home there). I'm kind of bummed now, thinking about it. Does it get better when the kids are older?

I didn't take many photos inside, because of the lighting and my lack of a wide-angle lens, but I did find this one, taken on my mom's camera, where you can see some of the chaos. This was a Sunday evening where some people were helping Karen by making some little felt animals for a zip-up alphabet book that she's been putting together for Elizabeth (Kyle made a sea urchin and Doug made a pink Tyrannosaurus. Barb made a very cute giraffe that I forgot to get a picture of). And it looks like I'm finishing up changing Andy's diaper.

After everyone else left things calmed down a bit, but I still feel like I didn't get anything done. I was hoping to go through some old photos and maybe scan some things, but just couldn't get to it. Andy was cranky a lot of the time (he's been napping so much better since we got home--hooray!).

It was nice to see everyone, and experience Ohio for a while. Humidity! Fireflies! Thunderstorms! (which were pretty exciting, out in the trailer). We had some nice partly-cloudy days with great lighting, and then it got hot. We made the obligatory trek out to Young's Jersey Dairy, and Doug and I even took the kids to Kings Island (more on this later).

The morning that we left, my mom was sitting in her chair with the quilt that Barb made for her. Kate said she was cold, and wanted to snuggle under the quilt with Grandma. So of course we had to get Andy in there too.

Aren't they cute? I wish we all lived closer together!


  1. It is always pretty chaotic, isn't it? But it is still so wonderful to be together.

    I love the pictures of your mom with the kids.

  2. Awww, those last pictures are heart-melting! I gotta say I much prefer the weather out here than in Ohio (I was at Kent State for about 3 years).

  3. It does get better as the kids get older, but those moments will always be special.

    I love the bottom photo especially.

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I enjoyed seeing everyone, but it was definitely hectic.

  5. I was kinda bummed too that we didn't actually have more time to sit around and visit, and play games, and sing but I trust that will come later. I'm SO very glad that we did what we could.

    Just now I talked with a friend who shared with me a method of calming a crying baby in about 3 seconds. She has two foster babies ages one and two that she uses this technique with. She says it works every time. I'm excited to tell you about it.

    Love, Mom


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