Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring Evening

Sunday evening, Rebecca came over for some bacon soup. After we ate Kate wanted to go play sneak-through-the-long-grass over by the Seventh-day Adventist church. I had to go get my camera.

I've been having trouble getting Kate to smile for me. Perhaps I should stick googly eyes on my camera again.

The lighting was kind of tricky, but I got lucky with a couple shots.

She has a sticker on her hand from saying the prayer in Primary. I forgot it was there.

We sure had great weather for the three-day-weekend (or four-day--I know the kids in the complex were home from school on Friday too). It was beautifully warm and sunny all four days. Must have been nice for all the people who went camping.


  1. Wow, that penultimate shot sure prefigures Kate as a young adult, doesn't it... Gorgeous!

  2. The pictures of Kate and your family for that matter are beautiful!

  3. Sneaking through the grass sounds fun. She looks like a tiger. Roar!

  4. Fun... and sweet pictures.

  5. Betsey8:30 PM

    Do you have ticks in tacoma?

  6. Oh, good question. Ummm... probably?

  7. Looks like Tacoma has few ticks.


  8. Anonymous9:58 PM

    What a beautiful family.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)