Wednesday, May 06, 2009


We've been blessed with good weather for Children's Day every year since Kate was born, so we've been able to do the Korean thing and go out and take pictures in front of the flowers. This year it was not to be. So what do you do on a rainy and windy May 5th, when you really can't go to the park? We decided to take pictures at the library.

I don't think I've ever taken my camera to the library before. They have lots of big windows and nice lighting.

I got Kate to sit with Andy on her lap. They were both a bit uncertain about this.

But very cute!

Dad holds Andy while looking at some books. (I was going to say "checking out some books" but realized that has rather more specific connotations in a library.)

Kate plays with the library toys (and her own rubber Tyrannosaurus, which she had to bring along).

Andy gets a ride in the block wagon.

Children's Day last year was the day I found out I was pregnant with Andy. And here he is! Such a sweet little smiley boy.

I forgot to mention that we have new Korean neighbors! We just met them on Sunday. They have two little girls, ages 7 and 4. I hope we will be friends.

As a parting shot, here's an outtake. Ha!


  1. Love it! Especially the last one!

  2. Great tradition, and great way to make do in spite of the weather.

    I also love the last picture...I'm glad you shared it in all of its imperfection. :)

  3. I love the wink in the last photo!
    Happy Children's Day!

  4. Love all the photos, especially the outtake. Happy Children's Day!

  5. What a fun way to improvise. Very nice idea, and very cute pics.

    Our library just opened this week after being remodeled. We'll have to check it out while you're here. I have no idea if the children's section here is as fun as yours.

    Love, Mom

  6. Cute. cute photos! Hali said, "Andy!" when she saw his picture. Too fun! (p.s. love the outtake)

  7. Sooooooo cute, the two of them together (and that outtake was hilarious...). The library is our rainy day best friend too (plus, they have a Thomas train table!).

  8. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Cute pictures, adorable family and that last one made me giggle out loud.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)