Friday, May 01, 2009

But wait, there's more!

I haven't been doing very well on the catching up thing. I feel like I lost a week or so in there somewhere. In fact the entire month of April just whizzed by at an alarming rate.

We've had a bit of illness--I started writing it out in more detail, but realized nobody wants to read and all the ins and outs to the doctor and late-night runs to the drugstore... let's just say it involved a surprise vomiting, an ear infection, and an Amoxicillin reaction. Kate has two more days to go on her second antibiotic, and seems to be doing fine now. Doug and I were also a bit under the weather. I stayed home from church this last Sunday. Andy has, thankfully, been just fine. Everything seems to be mostly back on track now, and I'm finishing up my huge design project that's been keeping me so busy, so hopefully I can catch up on a few blog entries too. I still have more pictures from Easter to post. Is it too late to post Easter pictures?


  1. It's never too late to post cuteness! Sorry 'bout all the illness, though!

  2. I agree, it's never too late to post cuteness, and you have lots of it at your house.

    Love, Mom

  3. Hope you are all feeling better! Surprise puking is never fun. well, I guess in theory almost all puking is a surprise. And puking is never fun! ;)

    Good luck with your project!

  4. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Never too late! It's still 2009 after all, and in 2010 you could post a "what we did at this time last year" post. And in 2020 you could share a montage for the last decade. And so on!

    Hope May is healthier for you.

  5. Hope everyone is back to 100% soon. And it is never too late to post pics.

  6. Hope everyone feels better soon. Ugh.

    And, yes, it is still Paschal Season, of course!

  7. What was the amoxicillin reaction?

  8. Itchy rash. Not immediately, but after taking it five times.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)