Thursday, April 02, 2009

a loss

Doug's brother Craig died suddenly a week ago (the night of the 25th). He was only 41. I think everyone is still kind of trying to wrap their brains around it. This comes only five months after Doug's dad passed away. We'll be gathering again, this time in Portland, and with a group again diminished.

We're still waiting to hear exactly what happened (autopsy results take a while). We do know that he'd had a stomach bug for a few days and was taking some medicine that made him dizzy, so the doctor had him cut the medicine in half and then in half again. Wednesday night he was apparently getting out of bed and just collapsed. Other family members are anxious to learn the details, for their own peace of mind and also to find out if there's anything they need to get checked for.

Craig was the third son. He took after his dad in looks and had an easy laugh. Doug mentioned the other day that he shared a room with Craig for many years growing up, and now he's the only one with those memories.

Our thoughts are with Craig's wife and children at this time.


  1. Oh, Helena, I'm so sorry. I hope it wasn't Salmonella or something... My thoughts are with Doug, and all you guys. What a terrible thing.

  2. I am sorry to hear this! Doug's family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Craig has been in my prayers these past days, may his Memory be Eternal.

    I love his face in that photo. And, what a realization for Doug. Hugs to all of you, and to his family.

    (whoops, sorry about that, I was logged in under my boss' name for another application)

  4. That's so sad...I'm so sorry... and my heart aches for his wife and children.

  5. Betsey8:11 PM

    He looks like a nice guy. I hope the youngest sister is doing ok, I've been thinking about her a lot.

  6. I feel so awful hearing this news... I'm so sorry. Please pass on my deepest sympathy to Doug. I truly hope that Doug and the family will find the peace and comfort they need through the gospel. Much love to you all!

  7. Wow, that's hard to have such an unexpected loss. I hope that you all find comfort in the Gospel. Our prayers are with you.

  8. My condolences to you and Doug and the family. I hope you get answers soon and find peace.

  9. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I'm so sorry for your loss, especially so soon after the previous. Many hugs.

  10. Sometimes the state of medical science makes me angry. Yes, it's great what it can do nowadays compared to a hundred or four hundred years ago. But it needs to get better. I know an eternal perspective on life puts death in a different light, but medicine still needs to get better.

  11. I'm so sorry. Sudden loss with no easy explanation is always hard to wrap your brain around. :(

  12. My prayers and sympathies to all but especially his wife and children :*(


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