Thursday, February 26, 2009

Andy at 8 weeks

More cute faces!

"Posing makes me tired."

I've mentioned this before, but this child sure does spit up a lot. He seems to take each new outfit as a challenge and will frequently christen one before I even get it snapped up all the way. I mentioned this to Cousin Lonnie, and he said, "Ah ha! The smell of a clean shirt makes him sick!"


  1. I hope he doesn't have GERD... What an adorable child!

  2. Cousin Lonnie is too funny.

    Hali loves blowing kisses to Andy. She's always excited to see new pictures. (Perhaps we should consider and arranged marriage?) Tee hee!

  3. Tee hee, I love Lonnie's comment.

  4. I found your blog through Lorri Steer and just had to comment on what a doll baby Andy is. Of course, he'll reach an age where he cringes at being called a "doll baby" but the name sure fits for now!

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    He's adorable, I want to cuddle him (with a spitup blankie of course!)

  6. Awww!!! I love his expressions! He is so cute:). The cuteness helps with the spit up.

  7. Anonymous8:26 PM

    That boy is stinkin' adorable! Love the second picture- watch out for that expression in a year- he'll be up to something lol!

    Don't worry about the spit up (or "baby cheese" as we call it at our house) unless he is having trouble gaining weight, or acting really uncomfortable. Some kids are just spitters. . .I've got one too lol!


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