Friday, January 23, 2009

little brother (and sister, too!)

I took these when I did Andy's three-week photos, last Saturday. I dug out my black cloth and hung it up on the bookshelves behind the kitchen table. The table is right by the window, so we get some nice light coming in right there. (This necessitates having the kids sit on the table, which I hope they won't make a habit of.)

Aren't these sweet?

And some of just Kate! I wanted to get a new picture for my sidebar, since the one I had there before was about a year and a half old.

I stuck the googly eyes on my camera again and got some giggles!

(She wasn't really posing here, just lifting up her hand to brush her hair aside.)

What cute kids we have!


  1. Precious indeed! Kate's hair is getting so long...

  2. you really do have beautiful children.

  3. They look so sweet together. I wonder what fun/mischief they will get into together in a few years?

    JB and Company

  4. Gorgeous pictures of beautiful children. The black background is very effective. They look so sweet together, and I love the ones of Kate by herself.

    Love, Mom

  5. I *love* the 4th picture down!! They are so sweet together!! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Wonderful photos! You and Doug make beautiful children.

  7. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Fantastic photos. Gorgeous kids. I'm behind on my blog reading so I think I just overdosed on adorableness. I'm gushing, but gosh, they're so stinking cute!

  8. So sweet! Your children are beautiful indeed. You remind me that I need to do a little session with my kids, too.

  9. I came for a visit on Stef's recommendation. How precious is your baby and all these wonderful photos ... AND your DD's artwork!!
    Esther (aka blue_eyed_pea)

  10. I love the one under the kiss picture--so tender!

  11. LOVE these!! Kate is so photogenic!

  12. Thank you for visiting my blog!

    Your little ones are gorgeous! And I'm envious of your photography. Wonderful job! My favorite is the last one.

    I really enjoyed reading your blog and I've bookmarked you so I can keep coming back!

  13. Great pictures! Kate's hair is starting to look more like yours.

  14. These are great! Cute kids indeed!


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