Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ooooh, Pretty!

I took some pictures with the star filter today, in honor of Barb and Kyle's anniversary. Not on purpose--after I finished taking them I thought, "Huh, I haven't used the star filter since Barb and Kyle's wedding." And then I thought, "Oh yeah, that was today!"

I braided Kate's hair last night. She complains when I brush it when it's tangled, so I thought that might help. Then she didn't want to take them out, so she had bed-head braids for most of the day. I brushed them out right before taking these pictures, and her hair was all fluffy. I'll have to get some pictures of her braids next time. Very cute.


  1. I've never heard of a star filter before... what cool pics! I'm a little worried, as that's how the road looks to me at night... *lol*

  2. I really want a star filter! I need to remember to ask Santa for one, I guess, but I forgot! Gorgeous pictures!

  3. This makes me want to dig our my star filter and take pics. These are lovely.

  4. Your picture are always so beautiful. I love the first picture of Kate on the post about the snow. Hope all is merry for your Christmas.

  5. Umm, I think I was trying to say "Your pictures are always so beautiful." ;)

  6. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Very Pretty! I've been meaning to try a photoshop tutorial that will do a faux star filter (or maybe it's an action?) but I didn't know what kind of picture I should try it on. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    She is so pretty - and getting so big! Lovely photos. I have a star filter on my wish list to play with.

    Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Helena, these are lovely!

    JulieK, I believe the Dec/Jan issue of Digital Scrapbooking had something in the Sure Shot column about doing a star effect on photos... hope I'm remembering that correctly. Let me know if you want me to e-mail you the tip.

    Happy anniversary to Barb and Kyle!

  9. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hey I hear congratulations are in order! Can't wait to see pics of your new little one!

  10. pretty!! can't wait to hear all about the new baby! Congrats!!


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