Monday, December 01, 2008

Five-day weekend

Doug only had classes on Monday and Tuesday this past week. I was hoping we could use some of our free time to get things organized for the baby, but it didn't happen. (I did work on my painting, though, which is good.) A month to go and lots to do. I never really did do the nesting thing with Kate (probably because I was painting a mural at the time) so I'm wondering if it'll kick in.

I'm not one of those Black Friday shoppers. More of a Black Friday avoider. But Doug had a few errands to run, so he went out in the afternoon and took Kate with him. She's been surprising us lately with reading words that she recognizes. They went to Target and then over to Top Foods, which is not somewhere we usually go, and Kate pointed up at the sign and said, "That says top!" She also pointed out "you" and "play" on the way to Thanksgiving dinner.

So we're back on our regular schedule now, for a couple more weeks--then finals, break, Christmas, Kate's birthday, and Baby! In that order? We'll see!


  1. You sure have a busy time ahead! Good luck!

  2. I avoid black friday myself! I hope all goes to plan with the baby can't wait to see pictures.

  3. We do Thanksgiving on Friday, and I am so thankful that means I'm not shopping on Black Friday.

    and, congrats to the new reader!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)